Friday, August 3, 2012

To Take a Look Back in Time...

So before we get into the news and special events, maybe a brief history of The Van Wezel Foundation would be good. Here are some facts you may not have known!

The Van Wezel Foundation was established in 1987 to augment the Hall’s resources and make it's programs accessible to a wider range of theater goers including school children. In addition, the VWF helps with upgrades and maintenance of the building.

The ultimate goal of the Foundation was to help the Van Wezel continue its leading role as the “amethyst jewel in the crown” of Florida’s Gulf Coast.
Over the last 25 years The Van Wezel Foundation has contributed more than $10,000,000 to help the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall. The Foundation helped fund the major renovation and expansion of the Hall in 2000-2001.
The Foundation has helped thousands of tickets to area non-profits to obtain tickets to shows.
The Van Wezel Foundation educates teachers in arts integration teaching methods, basically, how to use the arts in the classroom to enhance the learning experience.
Above all, the Foundation helps support the educational activities of the Hall. The Foundation underwrites the Schooltime Performance series, providing performing arts access to children in Sarasota, Manatee, Desoto, and Charlotte counties.
These were just a few of the many things you will continue to learn about The VWF, and of course there will be more to come!

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