Shh! We are behind the scenes of the Van Wezel Foundation, also known as the VWF!!
It would appear that you know who we are if you have landed on this site... however, maybe you are a bit unclear!
If you are a Sarasota native, or, if you have visited Sarasota and traveled to the downtown area, you have surely seen the large purple building located in the heart of Sarasota just before Ringling College of Art and Design and after Marina Jack. This building is the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall!
First of all, the acronym VWF stands for Van Wezel Foundation. The Foundation operates independently of the Performing Arts Hall. Starting to get confused? Here is a bit more information.
The Van Wezel Foundation is a not for profit organization. Our mission is to enrich the lives of members of the Gulf Coast community, with an emphasis on children, through the performing arts while supporting the needs of the Van Wezel - the region's premier performing arts hall.The Van Wezel Foundation was established to augment the Hall's resources and to make their programs accessible to a wider range of theater fors including school children.
So here we are. This blog will update you on all things VWF! From event information to highlights on recent accomplishments, this blog will give you all of the inside scoop!
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